Saturday, December 29, 2012

What If Santa Is Gluten-Free?

Many years ago, when we were still trying to figure out what was causing my stomach woes, we thought perhaps that I might be lactose-intolerant.  I dutifully said goodbye to ice cream and smoothies, and embraced (the surprisingly delicious) Lactaid milk.  Come Christmas, I couldn't decide what type of milk to give Santa with his cookies.  Was he, like me, lactose-intolerant?  Or did he like to balance out the calories of the cookies with some skim milk?  Perhaps 1% was his favorite?  I couldn't make up my mind, so I combined the lactaid, skim, and 1% milks in our fridge into one cup so that Santa could get the best of all worlds.  Poor Santa.

This year, as Christmas Eve was fast approaching, I started to wonder about Santa's potential dietary restrictions again.  Could he have a gluten intolerance?  Think about it.  The man has been overindulging on cookies for hundreds of years.  Could they be making him ill?  Or might he have Celiac, and it's simply gone undiagnosed all these years?  Just in case, I decided to make Santa a batch of gluten-free chocolate chip cookies for his Christmas Eve snack.  At the very least, I'd be able to enjoy the leftovers.

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